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We build simple, efficient tools for Solana communities. Fluxion Tools evolves and grows with the contributions of its users.

DLMM Blinks Will Live Soon!
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How it Works?

Start the @fluxionDLMMBlinkBot!

Open Telegram and search for @fluxionDLMMBlinkBot. Type /start to begin.

Provide Pool Address

The bot will ask you to provide the pool address. This should be a valid address on the Solana blockchain.

Select Strategy Type

The bot will prompt you to select a strategy. Choose one of them.

Provide Bin Number

After selecting the strategy, enter a bin number between 1 and 69.

Provide Reference Wallet Address

The bot will ask for the reference wallet address for fee payments.

Enter Reference Fee

You’ll be asked to provide a reference fee (in SOL), capped at 0.1 SOL.

Blink Link

The bot will generate a unique link for you to create a liquidity position. Share the link on X!